Kadettengasse 19-23, A - 8041 Graz +43 (0) 50 248 013 office@hib-liebenau.at





Erasmus+ language trip to Dublin (4C)

Die 4C-Klasse startete mit einer Sprachreise ins 2. Semester. In Dublin besuchten unsere SchülerInnen unsere neue Erasmus+ Partnerschule und wurden herzlich und mit einem abwechslungsreiche Programm empfangen: ein gemeinsames Frühstück, Gaelic Football, irische Musik und Tanz und das Besuchen von Unterrichtsstunden. Unsere SchülerInnen bekamen einen tollen Einblick in ein anderes Schulsystem und schlossen neue Freundschaften. Hier ist ein Bericht von Sarah SKOFF (4C):
From the 9th to 16th of March, the 4C went on a class trip to Ireland. We were assigned host families in groups of 2-4 people around Dun Laoghaire, where our language school was situated. On the first day, we had a guided tour around Dublin, we saw Molly Malone and Trinity College and heard some interesting facts about the city. On the second day, we went to Glendalough, a nice lake with historical buildings nearby, for example the famous Glendalough tower.

On Monday, we first visited our Erasmus+ partner school, Dunshaughlin Community College, we were greeted by friendly faces all around us and interested gazes by Irish students (it kind of felt like a zoo, really, not in a bad way, of course). I believe we all found one or two new friends there. We discovered Irish music and instruments, Irish sport and the daily Irish school routine. On the last two days, we visited Bray and Monkstown, two towns near Dublin, both with a beautiful seaside. We went shopping in Dublin and Bray, to more or less luxurious shops. In our language school, we had interesting lessons with Irish teachers, about Saint Patrick’s Day and other topics.
All in all, the journey to Ireland was a fulfilling and beautiful one, which was definitely worth it. It has shaped the class’s camaraderie and has made us excited for other class trips in the next school years.

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BG/BRG/BORG Graz-Liebenau (HIB)
Kadettengasse 19, 8041 Graz  +43 50 248 013 office@hib-liebenau.at
Mo-Fr: 08.00 - 15.30

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